Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quick Update

My Dad is finally doing really well again... I think he just likes to keep us on our toes! ??? Or something... he has got to stop scaring me like that! :)

Big Guy is becoming quite the ornery turkey butt (my "nice" nickname for him LOL). Some of the stuff he says! It just cracks me up even though I know I have to keep a straight face so he doesn't know it... funny funny kid.... ;D

Bubba is growing again... I just bought him 3 new pairs of jeans & his gparents bought him 2... I bet they don't last another month... :o I guess I will take them down to GG's (my friends local consignment store). He is now dang near taller than Travis and he is just under 6'1...

I spent the weekend painting my entry and repainting my dinning room... I just love those rooms now! MUCH better! The dining room was a light greyish blue - I hated it for that room since we painted it... funny thing is - we used the same blue in the bathroom and I love it there! strange... The entry I painted a pretty brick red - looks WONDERFUL with all that stained glass in there! I did stay in the blue family for the dining room - but I went with more of a jewel dark blue - makes the old natural woodwork just pop! I'm so happy with it! :)

I think that is it for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like beautiful work on your house. Way to go with that. I can't believe how big Bubba is getting. Holy moly kid - slow down a bit! I'm so very glad to hear that your father is doing better.